Posted by : Asia Sansalone
Monday, September 22, 2014
If I could Live In a Fictional World
Today I was having a hard time figuring out what I was going to write a about. I was searching around my room and realized that I have a lot of Tolkien books. I have at least ten copies of the trilogy ( Lord Of The Rings), two copies of the Silmarillion, one Tom Bombadil, numerous copies of the Hobbit, and other Tolkien books sprinkled here and there. After thinking for a while I decided to write about why I would live in Tolkien's fictional worlds.
5 Reasons Why I would Live In Tolkien's Fictional World
1. I love anything to do with ancient times, from Egypt to Rome, fiction or non fiction.
If you haven't read my earlier posts, you can see I am a sucker for ancient cultures (especially the Viking Era). To me Tolkien encompasses that type of era in his novels, and the way people were back then really intrigues me. They seemed more in tune with the world and had a certain faith in things that might be more than lost now. People also took pride in lore and the stories of where they originated from.
2. It has an eloquent culture
Tolkien actually studied Anglo Saxon language and culture and taught at Oxford University, during this time he created the Trilogy and The Hobbit. Tolkien had created such a world that I believe if we did not know better, or were beings from some other worldly place we would not know if this was a fiction or rather an account of history. I believe this is why his novels had stood the test of time and are still with us today. The amount of detail is unbelievable. He created his own language for the elves, dwarves, etc, and a complex culture intertwined with their very own stories of creation and other types of lore. This makes me want to be part of the stories and songs even more.
All that is gold does not glitter,Not all those who wander are lost;The old that is strong does not wither,Deep roots are not reached by the frost.From the ashes a fire shall be woken,A light from the shadows shall spring;Renewed shall be blade that was broken,The crownless again shall be king--J.R.R. Tolkien - Fellowship of the Ring
3. It has well developed characters
As I said before the amount of detail Tolkien puts into his characters is absolutely astounding. Even thought there are villains in this fantasy world I still wouldn't mind being around the characters that are full of hope, inspiration, determinism, loyalty, courage, ect. They say you pick up characteristics from the people you are around the most, so why not Frodo or Aragorn?
4. For the music
Ok, I admit this is mostly a film thing, but honestly Howard Shore did such an amazing job at composing this music to fit the energy and attitudes of all the scenes. I believe that if brings you to Frodo's world in the shire or helps make you feel the ominous power the ring holds over the people of middle earth. It's not just the soundtrack though. I would love to be a part of the music the people of middle earth would create. Music isn't just entertainment it is a way to tell stories as well. If you have read any of Tolkien's books you will see it is full of lore and it is to be told in a musical fashion. I would absolutely be delighted to hear what he had in mind and what these verses would sound like.
5. For the Elves
Tolkien was particularly fond of the Elves. He has a book just on the history of the Elves called the "Silmarillion." They have such a eloquent quality about them and I've never been able to picture them just right. Even with the help of the movies, I still think there is something more "god-like" about them. I guess that is when you get stuck in language because there are not really words to describe them as they should be. I would love to be able to meet this race of beings and to be enlightened on their lore and culture. It seems everyone in the Tolkien novels have a fascination with them. I would like to see their power and might!
All in all I believe I would love to be a part of Tolkien's fantasy world with the good and the bad. The story of middle earth is such a powerful one that it has stuck with us even till now.
Which Fictional World Would You Like To Live In???
I would love to hear from any of you. Feel free to comment!!!
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- All that is gold Does not glitter , aragorn , dwarves , elves , fantasy , frodo , hobbit , Howard Shore , Lord of the rings , Middle earth , one ring to rule them all , silmarillion , tolkien , tom bombadil »
- If I Could Live In a Fictional World....