Posted by : Asia Sansalone
Monday, February 9, 2015
So... I've been doing a lot of reflexive thinking and I have decided that I am not going to blog to cater to an audience anymore. I am going to write what I feel like writing even though it might not fit into the nerdy genre. I have a life full of experiences and to limit myself on just what I would consider nerdy, or nerdy cool is just hindering my experience as a blogger.
For example, I have recently started practicing yoga and I've been dying to share that on my blog (this will be a future post). I am a strong advocate of doing something physically active and for me not to be able to write about it really started to bother me. I want to use my blog for what ever I feel like writing about and I think that is what this world needs. This world needs more authenticity and less care for monetary value that you will gain. Sure it would be absolutely fantastic to earn money from writing on a blog, but I found that it was extremely difficult to just stay in one topic.
This was a problem when I started a previous blog. I stuck myself to one topic and it got extremely difficult to keep writing about it, I wanted to write about everything. For one, this is more of a personal thing for me. It will help me develop my writing skills and I can come back on later days and reminisce over the progress I have made in some aspect of my life.
It doesn't always pay to short cut yourself to make a little money. Limiting myself just to cater to a certain audience really started to hurt me. I started to put off writing posts (even though there are not that many) and it wasn't that fun anymore. I created this blog so I could have fun and share my experiences (even though most of them are nerdy) I do have other things to talk about as well.
So... I guess this is a cautionary warning ha! I will be writing about everything and anything under the sun!!
And the most important lesson here: Be Yourself!!! The right people will come along!
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