Posted by : Asia Sansalone
Saturday, September 27, 2014
10 Geeky Crochet Projects To Get Started On Right Now!!!
As I said in my introduction I am fascinated with a multitude of geeky habits/interests. Since it is starting to get colder my crocheting will be in full swing. Homemade gifts are great for Christmas time so how about making some crochet projects for the geek in all of us.
1. A Storm Trooper Granny Square Blanket
This is a relatively easy pattern! If you know how to make granny squares then you are set! Make this for the Star Wars geek in your life.
2. Legend of Zelda Heart
Once again if you know how to granny square it up then you are made for this geeky project! I've also found if you look at perler bead patterns you can also make each square on the pattern a granny square! Projects Galore!
3. An awesome Viking Helm and Beard or Dwarven Helm Whatever You're Into
This is just magic when it comes to crochet! Who doesn't want to have a magnificent beard for a day. This pattern makes it possible to become a burly viking or dwarf.
4. Transformer Hat
With the new transformer movie this would be an awesome action packed gift for your friends. You can transform into a transformer how cool is that!
5. Batman Hat
Seriously, who doesn't want to be the dark knight of vengeance. This is perfect for the superhero in you! Gotham would be proud!
6. Ewok Scoodie
What is a scoodie? Its a scarf and a hoodie of course! Show off your StarWars mania with this awesome pattern.
7. Totoro Hat
Totoro; the lovable forest spirit made possible by Studio Ghibli and Miyazaki. Sport this lovable creature on your head!
8. Amigurumi Galore
This really could be a whole separate post on its own. Amigurumi is the Japanese art of knitting or crocheting small stuffed animals and anthropomorphic creatures. There are many patterns of this sort just type in what you are looking for and I guarantee you will find an anigurumi creation.
9. Link's Hat
It's dangerous to go alone so take this crochet pattern to keep that Zelda fan in you warm.
For all of you Dr. Who fans here is a pattern you can totally make into a granny square blanket! Remember that perler bead thing I was talking about? YES it applies to granny squares too.
There you have it! Your geeky universe has now been fed a plethora of crochet awesomeness! I will update and post pictures of my crochet projects if I ever get around to finishing them!
Have you completed any geeky crochet projects? Please share!
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- amigurumi crochet , crochet , geeky crochet , granny square , pokemon crochet , starwars crochet , storm trooper , zelda crochet »
- 10 Geeky Crochet Projects You Need In Your Life