Posted by : Asia Sansalone
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Oh boy this has been my latest game obsession lately. I just recently achieved level 60 which is the level cap for the game before the new expansion REAPER OF SOULS! I must say this game has an excellent story line (if you are one of those types of people), It reaches into the unknown and grabs you by the hand and has you play a part in the fate of the world! If you are into role playing games I would highly suggest Diablo III. It has mulitplayer options (online and local) giving it that much more of an advantage over other RPGs. I have defeated Diablo III four times now and I am still in love with this addictive game. Let's get a little more in depth here and talk about why this game is so addicting.
1. As I said before this game has a killer story line and if you look into it further the Nephalem (the race of the characters) are actually derived from biblical references as well as names of characters being from all sorts of worldly mythology. It has background and something tangible from our reality and the creators really put their spin on this one. The creators really took the time to focus on this, and for me a good story line is important when I'm playing an RPG. They developed culture, and back stories, and intertwined existing mythology to create a take on a good verses evil genre.
2. Collector of weapons/armor/gold/experience. I have found one of the main reasons I love this game is because of the constant collection materials that make my character all the better. There is no better feeling than seeing that orange glow of a legendary item waiting to be beheld by your lovely eyes. And if you are sad that there is a level cap at 60 in the original Diablo 3, the expansion in the Ultimate Evil Addition, ups the level cap to 70 and if that's not enough there is what you call Paragon levels which up your damage/gold find/ and other skills.
3. You have freedom (sort of ). After going through the game 4 times I would most certainly be bored if I didn't have any type of freedom in my choices for my character. Although the decision making process is not as extensive as say Sky Rim, it does allow for you to make decisions on your strategy (skills/weapons/armor) in how to succeed in the game.
4. Mainly it's FUN! This game can be taken seriously or can be something that your friends get together to play. It doesn't take a superior amount of attention so it can easily be played and coincided with your homework ect. Usually after I beat a game, I'm sort of done with it and don't really come back, so for me to have gone through this game four times and continue to play, it really has some oomph that grabs my attention. Maybe its the fact you are literally beating the devil, or enjoying a different perspective of what good and evil forms might look like, or perhaps even the fulfillment of saving the entire human race from being destroyed by evil.
I would really recommend this game to people that have interests in RPGs or even are just interested in fantasy/mythology all together. It is fun and has a lot going for it and allows a person to experience the heavens and hells in a creative, and new perspective.
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