
Monday, November 10, 2014

I Have Bearded Dragon Hatchlings For Sale!

I Have Bearded Dragon Hatchlings For Sale!!!

My husband and I have a side hobby/business breeding reptiles. We breed many types of reptiles but mostly bearded dragons and ball pythons! We have some other reptiles like a veiled chameleon, a tokay gecko, and a few uromastyx. 

To get to the point, we have a ton of bearded dragon babies for sale!!! We love to give them proper homes so please contact us!!! 

These are just a few of our many hatchlings we have available. We have Dunners, Hypos, Translucents, and other hatchlings available!!!

1) 0.1 Female Rainbow Trans Tiger
Sire: Kronos (coral hypo/trans WDD import) X Dam: Hera (Orange trans het hypo Rainbow Bearded Dragons) Hatch Date: 09/05/2014
AWESOME PATTERNING, STOCKY AND VIBRANT COLORS (I'm proud of this girl, possible holdback if she doesn't sell) $300

2) 0.1 Female Hypo/Trans
Sire: Kronos (coral hypo/trans WDD import) X Dam: Hera (Orange trans het hypo Rainbow Bearded Dragons) Hatch Date: 09/05/2014

3) 1.0 Male Coral Trans/Hypo
Sire: Kronos (coral hypo/trans WDD import) X Dam: Hera (Orange trans het hypo Rainbow Bearded Dragons) Hatch Date: 09/05/2014

4) 0.1 Female Dunner pos. het Trans/Hypo
Sire: Kronos (coral hypo/trans WDD import) X Dam: Kaiju (Dunner blood red) Hatch Date: 08/15/2014

5) 1.0 Male Super Citrus Hypo/Trans
Sire: Kronos (coral hypo/trans WDD import) X Dam: Nada (Super citrus het trans/hypo) Hatch Date: 08/24/2014

6) 0.1 Female Citrus het Trans/Hypo
Sire: Kronos (coral hypo/trans WDD import) X Dam: Nada (Super citrus het trans/hypo) Hatch Date: 08/24/2014

7) 1.0 Male Citrus partial Trans het Hypo
Sire: Kronos (coral hypo/trans WDD import) X Dam: Nada (Super citrus het trans/hypo) Hatch Date: 08/24/2014 GREAT COLORS, BREED HIM TO TRANS FEMALES WITH BLACK EYES $80

As I said before, we have a ton to rehome! Just contact us and we will get back to you as soon as we can. You can learn more about us at

You can contact us here as well!!!

We have a lot of love put into our animals and can't wait to find them new homes!!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Am I Otaku???

Am I Otaku???

From earlier posts, you all know that I have a strong lovre for anime, particularly Studio Ghibli. I recently came across the word OTAKU, pretty much meaning you are obsessed with everything and anything anime related. I know I had a strong pull toward anime, especially now that I've discovered a whole new world of subtitled goodness, but I never had a "label" to go by.

I never really cared, I just loved anime. However, when I discovered what otaku meant I felt like I fit in that description pretty well.

When I was five years old, during the good ole VHS days, my mother would take me to the local video rental store and every time, it never failed, I would run straight to the foreign section and pick up my favorite movie (still in my top 5 list by the way) which happened to be Studio Ghibli's magical movie "Totoro." Mind you this copy of the movie was completely in Japanese and although it had subtitles what 5 year old is that fantastic of a speed reader? So basically I had know idea what was going on dialog wise but I loved it. I loved it so much I got irritated feedback when it was the only movie I ever wanted to watch.

After, thinking for a while I realized that anime had been a huge part of my childhood and has still stood the test of time.

Next in progression in my life was being obsessed with Digimon. Augumon was my favorite character, probably influenced by my passion of reptiles. I even had one of those digimon digivices where you could battle your friends on the play ground.
Then of course I fell in love with Pokemon. This has been one of my childhood loves that has followed me into adulthood. (Currently writing this in a starter pokemon blanket) I remember collecting cards and I still have a large collection today. I played Pokemon red and other pokemon games always ready for the next game to be released. (Yes I already have the demo for omega)

Then as I grew older I was allowed to stay up later. Thats the best, getting your bed time extended. I ran into the discovery of Toonami broadcast late at night and my love for Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon. I think Gundam Wing was partly influenced by Power Rangers too. Haha.

Presently, I own all of the Ghibli collection and rewatch them on a regular bases. After Netflix entered my life I was thrown into a plethora of anime goodness. Of course I would watch anime night on cartoon network but its not the same being able to watch a whole season in one day!

I just finished a rather dark type anime called Tokyo Ghoul. ( i finished it on Halloween, a good end to a creepy Holiday i think) I really liked it and in the past month I have watched Ghost Hunt, Vampire Knight, Vampire Knight Guilty, and some other bits and pieces of anime.

It really has become a familiar world to me and I am in love with my obsession. What a wonderful world of fans too! So yes, after much thinking, I really do think I am OKATU!!

Do you consider yourself an obsessive lover of anime? I always love to watch new ones (particularly  dark ominous types) Please share!! I would love to see your top 10 lists!